mer om:
Galaksens, jordens og solsystemets - og også menneskehetens fjernhistorie - slik Billy Meier forteller i -95 ut over den informasjon som SEMJASE gav helt tidlig i kontaktperioden om jordens kolonisering etc - så kom MEIER senere med tilleggsinfo rundt dette - men i denne info fra 1995 finnes endel uklarheter. Han hadde også på dette tidspunkt gjennomgått endel sykdommer som satte ham noe mentalt tilbake i forhold til hans fysiske helse under kontaktperioden på 70 tallet - og jeg føler at denne nye infoen er usammenhengende og for dårlig integrert med Semjases opprinnelige forklaringer rundt dette. Men jeg har oversatt noe av det her - les og bedøm selv om du er interessert. (Rune)
Fra kontakt med den Pleiadiske innvidde "Ptaah", kontakt nr.251, den 3.2.95. kl.12.01
Historien om Enoch eller Nokodemion, er vel kjent innen FIGU- (Meier) gruppa, utdrag kan også finnes i boken OM som er forfattet av Edv.Meier etter guiding fra Ptaah. Men det var ikke før i -95 at Meier frigjør mer opplysninger om de andre ting som hendte med "Enochs" folk for nesten 12. mill. år siden. Helt tilbake til kontakten til Sfath som Meier hadde som barn, ble Edv. Meier bedt om å tie med denne informasjon frem til 1995.
(merk også at scenarioet her beskriver den rent kroppslige formens utvikling - og ikke så mye om den sjelelige utvikling - selv om disse jo henger nøye sammen. Det som Martinus beskriver som jordmenneskets overgang mellom det rene dyr, og begynnende, riktig menneske - der instinktet degenererer og følelsene og intelligensen vokser - ja, det er dette utviklingstrinn som forklares her - men da sett fra "materiens ståsted" og ikke fra sjelens/overjegets ståsted.
Dette er hentet fra en fortid da selve "galakse-individet" enda hadde "krigerske tanker" og av denne grunn raste krigene i dens indre - på Melkeveiens mange fysiske kloder var det krig og hatet rådet.
Men krigene kan også sees på som et uttrykk for tidligere SYKDOM i galaksen vår. For eksempel er en betennelse i vår kropp i virkeligheten en voldsom KRIG som raser i mikrokosmos. rø-anm.)
et av de mange næropptak av Semjases fartøy som Meier fikk lov å fotografere i 1975
"Etter den store tilbaketrekkning av fredstroppene, som fulgte på slutten av fredstiden mellom alle folk og planeter, ble Enochs folk (det hvite jordmenneske som ser ut som en gjennomsnittlig skandinav idag) - opprinnelige stammer splittet i to slekter. En slekt dro sin vei til det Lyranske området, hvor de slo seg ned i an annen rom-tid form som avviker fra denne vår rom-tid dimensjon ved en brøkdel av et sekund. De bodde der i Lyren-systemet, men bare etter å ha bebodd andre verdener og systemer i andre galaktiske områder for milliarder av år, som resulterte i kriger. Men på et tidspunkt måtte de flykte tilbake til vår rom-tid dimensjon - både for i hensikt å utforske, men også for å unnslippe krigene i galaksen. De hadde full oversikt over sin historie, og fra disse Lyranere avstammer Pleiaderne, som fortsatt lever i den andre rom-tid dimensjon.
Etter å ha forlatt Enochs gamle stammer, dristet seg en annen slekt på en annen “rute” enn den “Pleiadiske”. De emigrerte inn i andre galakser, og idag har de ingen kunnskap om deres egen virkelige opprinnelse. Denne slekt besto altså av mange forskjellige raser, på samme måten som den Lyranske. Men i kontrast til den Lyranske, som alltid var klar til å kjempe, nådde denne slekt tidlig det balanserte stadium av harmoni og fred, slik den senere Lyransk-Pleiadiske også gjorde. De hadde helt mistet sin evne til å sloss, og var da forsvarsløse mot angripere. Som et resultat av dette, gikk de sammen i en omfattende emigrasjon, og landet i området ved Sirius. De hadde dog ingen kunnskap om sin opprinnelse. Denne slekt spredde seg videre i Sirius-området, og utviklet seg videre til nivået hvor de kunne skape “nytt liv”. De hadde som nevnt selv mistet evnen til å sloss, men manipulerte frem nye raser som hadde evnen til å kunne beskytte dem mot angrep fra aggressorer. Men disse fremavlede raser hadde barbariske egenskaper, og deres levetid var begrenset til ca. 100 år.
Deres gener ble manipulert, fordi deres “herrer” fryktet at de kunne gå sammen og utslette deres skapere som hadde fremavlet dem. De måtte finne nye metoder til å kunne kontrollere disse nye raser, men til slutt måtte de ty til utryddelse. Siden skaper-herrene var klokere enn de fremavlede, valgte de å reise ut fra planeten - ved hjelp av vennlige hjelpere i Sirius-området. Samtidig bestemte disse hjelpere i hemmelighet å utnytte disse genmanipulerte til egen nytte. Men på et tidspunkt klarte et par av disse store genmanipulerte å flykte ut i romskip, og havnet etterhvert her på Jorden, hvor de slo seg ned i Kina, Japan og andre steder - og nye raser ble formet.
Tidligere hadde tusenvis av “kosmiske dumpere” blitt utplassert her i solsystemet som virket som en straffekoloni. Som tilfluktsted var også Mars og Maldek-Malona (Phaeton) brukt. Her ble byer, pyramider, stasjoner og andre ting bygget. De levde godt på Mars inntil planeten ble ubeboelig gjennom kosmiske influenser. Av denne årsak måtte de genmanipulerte forlate Mars i fjerne tider, og deretter slo de seg ned på Jorden. Bare pyramidene og de gigantiske monumentene på Mars ble etterlatt eller oppgitt, men stasjonene forble operative for en lang tid, skjønt livet på planeten hadde forsvunnet. En dag vil alt dette bli oppdaget av Jordens folk, de genmanipulerte mennesker, og noen av disse steder vil bli brukt på nytt. (Jordmennesket er altså etterkommere av disse her nevnte genmanipulerte mennesker. rø-am.)
Maldek-Malona eller heller Phaeton, ble ødelagt i kriger av sine genmanipulerte mennesker. Astroidebeltet er restene av denne tidligere planet, som opprinnelig hadde bane der hvor Mars sin bane er nå, mens Mars dengang gikk i bane der nå dette belte er. Denne omflyttning ble forårsaket av bl.a. Destroyer-kometen.
destroyerkometens opprinnelse og herjinger på jorden er besrkrevet i boken her vist over. bildet øverst til venstre viser ikke dens størrelse helt korrekt - da den er større enn jorden. Selv om den var i avstand av omtrent som månen - ville den se ut som bildet nederst til høyre.
Flyktningenes skjulested i dette system ble ikke oppdaget av "skaper-herrene" fra Sirius, men farene er der fortsatt at de kan oppdages. Bl.a. gjennom de amr.romsonder som er sendt ut i rommet.
Om denne info skulle falle i hendene på "skaper-herrene" - ville de forstå at de genmanipulerte mennesker hadde overlevd og formert seg over de siste millioner av år - og at man måtte anta at angrep på Jorden ville kunne utløses fra siriusområdet. Slike angrep ville bety jordmenneskenes totale utslettelse. (kommentar: dette er usannsynlig - altså at avanserte raser i sirius-området IKKE skulle vite om hva som foregår her på jorden - jorden er jo tross alt en nær nabo til Sirius og med den teknikk som de råder over kan de "komme hit" på minutter via " reiser gjennnom energiplan 2" og de kosmiske nettlinjer (hvit tidslinjer som Channie West kaller dem. rø-anm.)
"velgjørerne" ville ikke komme her for å hjelpe jordmenneskene - for de trakk seg tilbake fra vårt område for lang tid siden - kort etter at deres modige menn forlot Jorden - da de begynte å frykte de genmanipulerte mennesker slik som "skaper-herrene" hadde gjort tidligere.
Denne frykten som også grep "velgjørerne" - ledet til utslettelsen av de gamle forfedrenes nedtegnelser gjennom forskjellige manipulasjoner. På denne tiden hevet "velgjørerne" seg selv til guder og høynet seg selv over den jordiske befolkning, som snart ble deres undersåtter og troende.
Gjennom dette ble i sannhet "velgjørerne" snart motsatsen til nettopp dette. På den ene siden håpet de å gjøre de genmanipulerte mennesker til deres undersåtter - slik ville mange kulter, religioner, troskriger - bli utløst gjennom denne tilbedelse - hvorved de jordiske - genmanipulerte mennesker - ville desimere og utrydde seg selv.
Som en konsekvens håpet de tidligere "velgjørerne" at de kunne bli fri for trusselen fra aggressive, barbariske Jordiske livsformer. Denne plan gikk helt feil - fordi mennesket hadde blitt stadig sterkere, smartere og mer barbarisk - og begynte å like sin rolle og forsvarte den til siste blodsdråpe på alle tenkelige måter.
For gammel-lyranerne medførte "velgjørernes" tilbaketrekkning fra Jorden at de brola deres vei til Jorden og jordmenneskene, og mens de dristet seg til Jorden i ekspedisjoner og i flukter fra sin egen romtid form - til denne romtid form i solsystemet her. Etter en tid utropte også disse seg til guder og skapte slik ødeleggelse.
De tidligere "velgjørerne" for de genmanipulerte menneskene hadde ingen forestilling den gang - eller i dag - at disse utviklinger skjedde, ei heller vet de om pleiaderne.
De Jordiske genmanipulerte mennesker adlød dog ikke de lyranske og pleiadiske guder - skjønt noen av disse guder forsøkte å tvinge jordmenneskene under sitt åk og dominans med alle tenkelige midler, slik som Giza-intelligensene, Ashtar Sheran og lignende. De tidligere "velgjørerne" ble altså delt i to grupper.
En gruppe inkluderte de enkelte som hadde sverget hevn mot jordmenneskene og som senere forandret oppfatning, mens den andre gruppen forble velgjørende mot jordmenneskene og håpet at de en dag kunne komme tilbake til Jorden.
Disse "guder" alene fra begge grupper viste hva framtiden ventet oss. Skulle de virkelig komme tilbake en dag - kan ikke jordmenneskene forvente noe godt fra de som gikk fra "velgjørere" til ondsinnede personer. På tross av deres forvandling til ond innstilling, var de ikke istand til å komme tilbake til sin opprinnelse i siriusområdet. Pga deres forræderi ble de skydd som utstøtte, og nå må de også være forsiktige med å ikke røpe sitt oppholdssted til sine tidligere skaperguder - eller de kunne også bli ofre for deres skaperguders ønske om hevn.
På tross av sin avreise fra Jorden og solsystemet fortsatte de å opprettholde noen kontakter til jordmennesker og iblant kom de her. Gjennom sine kontakter og besøk influerte de jordmennesker med feilaktige budskaper, visjoner og lignende - på samme måten som mørke elementer blant gammel-lyranerne hadde gjort tidligere. Disse er kun intriger, som opptreder i religiøs sekterisk form og er av liten betydning - og kun for de kristne religioner/sekter og ikke alle Jordiske religioner.
Siden fremmedgjørelsen har de to gruppene av de tidligere og nåværende "velgjørerne" ikke hatt noen kontakt med hverandre. Det er nettopp sannsynlig at slike gjensidige kontakter var strengt forbydd, og kunnskap om den andre gruppes eksistens var strengt forbydd - og tilsvarende var innsikt om den andre gruppens eksistens fjernet fra hukommelsen - slik Quetzal engang forsikret meg - i overensstemmelse med en hemmelig Pleiadisk avklaring.
sluttkommentar: denne infoen avviker endel fra det som romkontakten THAO kom med til en australier i -89, men som typisk er så, forteller de mest eller alene om sin egen "slekts" fortid - og utelater hva andre har "gjort her".
det videre er et utdrag som enda ikke er oversatt:
Some rather astonishing things are revealed when the genetic manipulations performed by the Sirius-region "creator-overlords" on specific human beings that generated masses of fighters are scrutinized: By way of their evolution, the "creator-overlords" themselves had lost all their capabilities to fight. Their evolution was directed only toward opulence, knowledge, competence and so forth, while their own strength and capability to fight were completely eradicated. Not only did they lose the stamina to fight but the capacity as well.
When aggressors approached and threatened to annihilate these highly developed peoples, they had to find a solution to defend themselves against the attackers. To achieve this goal, they begot human beings into whom they implanted, through genetic manipulation, various forms of fighting capabilities along with an aging process factor as a precaution, whereby the genetically-altered people would soon become very old and die prematurely. Such actions prevented the genetically-manipulated individuals from banding together and rising up against the "creator-overlords".
This precaution soon proved to hold true, for the genetically-altered people continuously increased in numbers, and they inherited their manipulated genes --- for all times. Due to the ever-increasing numbers of these genetically-altered individuals, and their escalating aggressiveness toward the "creator-overlords", these fighters became a growing threat. For this reason, alternate ways of eliminating them were required by the overlords. However, prior to the selection of the most appropriate methods, most of the genetically-altered people were able to flee and, with the help of the benefactors, they found a secure place as I have already explained.
The genetically-manipulated people have since established themselves on Earth to the degree where they simultaneously became this planet's rulers and its destroyers, because most of them remained overly entangled in the effects of the manipulated genes of fighting, viciousness, barbarism, bloodthirstyness, greediness, addiction, emotionalism, inhumanities, to name but a few. These characteristics have been an evil legacy for mankind from early times, and they also may actually be called the "original sin". Information regarding the "original sin" was erroneously handed down by Christian religions as the fable of Adam, Eve and the devilish snake in the Garden of Eden.
This "original sin", however, the genetic manipulation, repeatedly let the obsession for fighting and evil to surface from time immemorial --- almost becoming Evil itself. Yet, in fact, this entire matter is based upon the manipulation of single DNA gene that can be rectified, if only our geneticists were to finally discover it. This genetic manipulation, a characteristic for all living human beings on Earth by way of its inevitable, hereditary transmission, can be reversed and therefore by doing so, Man can finally escape his evil demeanor, which was imposed upon him by way of genetic manipulation. Although science has not yet sufficiently advanced in this field, scientists are nonetheless on the correct path. For this reason alone there is ample justification today for continued progress in genetic research and genetic manipulation, despite objections by those who lack understanding, and others who vehemently reject these concepts and preach idiotic, religious nonsense against things they can neither prevent and nor impede. Terrestrial Man merely has to reverse the former specific genetic manipulation that compels him to resort to bloodshed and murder, bloodthirstiness, hatred, greed, addiction and all other inhumanities.
Still, genetic manipulation of the fighting capabilities in the Creation-given Creational law and directive sense must not be reversed since the capability to fight is essential for Man's continued existence and evolution. Consequently, the same event must not occur that previously occurred with the "creator-overlords" who robbed themselves of this fighting capability and lost all of their strength to fight through manipulation of their own genes. For this reason, they were no longer able to defend themselves against any aggressors who attacked them and this, in turn, resulted in their monstrous concept of manipulating human beings so they would become fighting machines through genetic alterations --- which, ultimately, precipitated new sets of problems. When the human beings who were genetically-altered into fighting machines by the "creator-overlords" are studied, evidence shows that they procreated, or rather bred specifically for this purpose as they were perfectly normal, indeed, even highly evolved human beings. But they were rudimentarily altered physically through the manipulation of their genes.
Prior physical traits reappeared and made these people, among other things, extremely resistant to environmental influences, and they displayed a certain barbarity. Throughout all of these genetic alterations, however, the proponents neglected to manipulate the genetic factor responsible for cognizance, memory, comprehension and compliance with the Creational-natural laws and directives --- everything that is balanced and good. This omission was completely intentional, for research had shown that this particular omission would provide a form of security against the genetically-manipulated people's complete degeneration. The omission would always allow a degree of humaneness to surface and influence mankind's lives, actions and other factors, and thus provide some guarantee for the "creator-overlords" that genetically-manipulated individuals would not become viciously assaultive against them. These specific desires were not fulfilled, though, except for the fact that the genetically-altered individuals did not become totally de-humanized or completely, utterly degenerated.
From the earliest times therefore, the prevailing factor of stability or goodness, respectively, always penetrated the genetically-altered people's consciousness. Because of this factor over the past millions of years, viciousness has increasingly lost its significance although it remains quite evident, particularly within certain rulers, criminals, despots and others. Unfortunately, no one was previously aware that through the genetic manipulation, and the naturally existing factor of stability and goodness in Man, a conflict or at least a feeling of being torn between opposing emotions would arise. This holds true even today with many human beings. As a result of these genetic manipulations, and from earliest times, Man has fought these inner conflicts of good and evil --- where evil frequently is the winner.
Nonetheless, increasing numbers of humans combat their way to goodness by conquering the damage done by the genetic manipulation and their wicked legacy, i.e., the evil or original sin. Unfortunately, frequent excesses occur that are based upon degeneration and pseudo-humanism, because humans are unable to find the appropriate paths and cling to false ideals that frequently originated from religious-sectarian idiocy.
Few other details are needed to explain the number of diverse human skin tones on Earth. From our previous explanations, it should now be apparent that various human races and their skin colors originated throughout the most diverse planetary systems of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The regions of Sirius, however, played a specific role too, at least with respect to the actual Ur-Ur-origin, before the Old Lyrians came to Earth where they later merged with terrestrial human beings.
Numerous distant descendants from those early days inhabit this planet today. One more explanatory remark regarding the original genetic manipulators: In reality they were the benefactors (velgjørere) of the genetically-altered people, hence they were their "creator-overlords". When the time came to eventually kill or merely exile the genetically-altered individuals, they (the benefactors) split into two sides.
Subsequently, the two divisions fought each other with harsh verbal assaults and accusations until other intelligent beings from the Sirius regions intervened; they were joined by the group who wanted to kill the genetically-altered people. The true benefactors, those opposed to the killing, were able to rescue a great many genetically- manipulated beings whom they had divided into several groups --- in spite of the many counter measures of those who wanted to kill.
As was previously explained, two groups of peoples settled on the other side of the galaxy, while the remainder of the peoples found new homes in the SOL system on Mars and Malona; subsequently, several thousand degenerate, genetically-altered individuals were deported to Earth. The benefactors knew even then that the people shipped there could not remain in this solar system forever, but that sometime later they would have to depart for other destinations. The benefactors were fully aware that this remote system's sun was a waning star even then, and it was specifically selected since the Sirius Intelligences and the "creator-overlords" - who were willing to kill the refugees, did not suspect that this region with its dying sun would be a candidate for new settlements of the "degenerates" and "god's workers", as they were called by the "creator-overlords".
For this reason, the benefactors placed vast distances between the genetically-manipulated people's home planets in the Sirius regions and the SOL system, as well as the distant system beyond the galaxy, so as to protect those living on them from those who threatened to kill and eliminate them. The selected hideaways were chosen therefore for their extreme remoteness and their position at the fringe of the galaxy.
In addition to having a dying sun, another determining facet also was that living conditions on SOL planets, and planets within the system on the other side of the galaxy, were very inhospitable since the breathable air on each of the newly settled planets did not match the original air composition on the home planets. Even on Earth today this is applicable, for its air composition fails to measure up to human respiratory requirements.
The dying sun, inadequate living conditions and poor air in the SOL system and beyond the galaxy, were therefore reason enough for seeking hideouts here from the pursuers. The genetically-altered human beings have struggled to survive ever since their arrival in the SOL system so remote from Sirius, its planets and intelligences. The newcomers propagated offspring and ceaselessly evolved as terrestrials. Soon they developed the capability to embark into the Universe's vastness and to their Ur-Ur-points of origin.
These actions contradict the unjustifiable claims of terrestrial scientists who contend that Man on Earth, in his current form, is the Ur-product of Earth --- let alone Charles Darwin's stupid-primitive false premise that Man descended from apes.
There do exist, however, some purely terrestrially-created human beings on Earth but they display their own evolutionary lineage, which is independent from the apes, while the apes descended from the original, respectively earliest, human beings.
Yet, even these purely Earth-created individuals are saddled with the genetic legacy of the so-called "original sin", if one can call it that. The same applies also to those many humans propagated in former times by Old-Lyrians and Pleiadians who then died on Earth. Every extraterrestrial, absolutely each and every one, who ever lived and died on Earth never again returned to his homeworld. Their spirit forms passed into the terrestrial realms of the Beyond, and they have since incarnated into new human bodies.
Because these individuals were born on Earth, they too sustained the damage of the previous genetic alterations by the "creator-overlords" from Sirius. This entire situation transpired because the genetically-manipulated and the purely terrestrial human beings energetically propagated offspring with each other, and as a result the degenerate legacy unrelentingly spread throughout planet Earth's entire humankind.
The genetic manipulations do not imply that terrestrial Man is a born killing machine, but signify only that he is a combative life form, capable of killing when required to do so, or when events trigger his loss of control or outbursts, etc. Such actions may also lead to degeneration; but, generally, they only occur when the two factors - consciousness and psyche, hence the person's world of thoughts and feelings, - are afflicted or briefly overburdened, whereupon they prompt the act committed in the heat of passion. Therefore, the evil brought about, or rather fostered, by the genetic manipulation, is not an intrinsic, compulsive inborn lust to murder.
In truth, the genetic manipulation was only created as a controllable factor enabling Man to subdue the evil implanted in him, and to make it slowly vanish as he walks along his natural, evolutionary path. This takes an incredibly long time, however, and the reversal of the gene manipulation is an absolutely suitable solution therefore.
Clearly, there truly exist no born murderers, and this fact must be stated explicitly. Such malevolent predispositions, degenerations, or individual and mass actions result from either injuries of a psychic-conceptual-emotional nature, through some sort of disorder of the consciousness, or by explosive rages. In case of disorder of the psyche or consciousness, organic injuries of the brain can play an important part. All of this is the result only of the degeneration of the gene that was accordingly manipulated, whereby evil, the purely negative, forever forces itself into the foreground. (man kan ikke kun skylde på genene her - den åndelige vitenskap lærer at det er vesenets åndelige "talentkjerner i selvopholdelsesdriften" som er den bakenforliggende og derved egentlige årsak - og ikke selve genetikken som "kronikken" her fokuserer på. rø-anm)
For this reason additional items also come into play, such as Man's savagery and blood frenzy during revolutions and wars, at times when he discovers the ease of killing and then overcomes the killing barrier. Such a barrier normally will remain forever present in Man, despite his genetic manipulation, unless circumvented by disease or explosive rage. Therefore, there is no such thing that Man is born evil in the sense that he or she is totally evil from birth onward, as some people enjoy claiming; those who wish only to see evil and total negativity.
Man, of course, was provided with both the negative and the positive from the very beginning of his existence, but not to the point where he is only negative or only positive. Ultimately, an equilibrium is established that truly provides Man with the capability and stability of conquering every inflicting injury and all forms of external influences. Both, negative and positive factors, when combined with and applied to the appropriate form, result in one grand total, which turns the human life form into an extremely hardy living entity that possesses the required abilities and is a born fighter for the Creational-natural laws and directives without excessiveness.
The "creator-overlords" who originally were human beings with the same characteristics as Man, however, insanely eliminated this gene from within themselves. In the process they lost all their own combativeness and robustness. They modified their entire thinking process and actions accordingly, and this resulted in their complete decadence.
Consequently, they were defenseless and were subjugated when aggressors attacked them. As a result they secretly developed this breed of fighters whom they genetically manipulated and covertly new races were propagated having an array of diverse skin colors. These fighters served as pawns against the aggressors and were victorious.
Thus, the "creator-overlords" are to blame for their own deterioration. In their distress they procreated a new breed of humans who actually possessed all the nature-given prerequisites once again and, hence, they were capable of fighting and living. This proved to be insufficient for the "creator-overlords", though, and they decided to conduct additional genetic manipulations to make the new peoples even more aggressive than their natural tendencies allowed. To some extent the creators merely amplified certain factors through genetic manipulation, whereby the manipulated individuals actually turned into fighting machines -- but always equipped with the potential capability of normalizing themselves again through the control of evolution.
For such an event to transpire, millions of years would be required, though, and this evolutionary path continues even today as is evident in terrestrial Man.
The genetic manipulations made the negative or evil factors, as humans of Earth know it, particularly forceful and unnaturally aggressive. For this reason these factors have not dissipated from terrestrial Man to the point where they can never flare up again in any way, that is to say, in his excessive procreation of offspring. Such behavior has led to overpopulation, every type of ensuing ill and religious-sectarian insanity and imbecility that is frequently fanatical in character.
All of these factors threaten not only the complete, ultimate destruction of the planet, but also the environment in general and every life form. Terrestrial Man's thoughts and actions represent a regressional phase toward the Ur-condition of the genetic manipulation whereby everything degenerates and becomes excessive, just as it did in earliest times. The "creator-overlords", at the time, discerned another reason for eliminating the genetically-manipulated people.
This regressive phase is manifested ever more powerful in military action, militant matters or religious-sectarian machinations. Military practices, political hate campaigns, religious-sectarian fanaticism and every type of crime - generate a loss of control over the positive, which is consumed and suppressed by the negative. This turmoil spawns a state of negative-evil frenzy, which is then indulged in and pursued without restraint.
In ancient times, men and women were equal regarding their capability and energy to live, fight and do other things. Hence, there was neither a distinction between men and women in those aspects nor in their work sites or types of tasks they performed, although men relieved the physically weaker women at strenuous chores. Women and men were equal in every way without there being any discrimination whatsoever between the sexes, as long as biological differences and related details, which were, of course, considered and observed even in Ur-times.
Even then, therefore, women were mainly responsible for maternal duties and household tasks when they were married with offspring. If this did not apply, women performed the identical tasks as the men. Both women and men held government posts; male staff members were incorporated into the team to the extent that men and women always governed in equal numbers and shouldered responsibilities together. Therefore neither one man nor one woman controlled the government. The people themselves possessed the right to speak up and join in the decision making process for all concerns, resolutions, edicts and laws, etc.
As previously explained, the two planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton in the SOL system were suitable for habitation by the refugees, the genetically-manipulated peoples. Planet Earth was still quite inhospitable at the time since its atmosphere was somewhat unhealthy for human life forms from the Sirius regions.
Consequently, only those fallible, genetically-manipulated individuals were deported to Earth who had aggressively and viciously risen against their own confederates. Five remnant races fled to Mars from the Sirius regions, while two other races embarked in direction of the sun on the opposite side of the galaxy, as explained previously.
The five races fleeing to Mars and Malona/Phaeton were joined by two other creator-overlord races. These two other races had not yet been genetically-manipulated, of course, and had no changes made to their DNAs. They were the benefactors who identified favorably with the genetically-manipulated people, and they assisted them in their escape. Their origins are traced to two different overpopulated planets in the Sirius regions where everyone was prohibited from procreating. As a result, every child born was murdered and the offending parents were sterilized and banished.
The exodus of the genetically-manipulated refugees from the Sirius regions took place over an extended period of many thousands of years, and they were constantly hounded by their pursuers until they finally found an appropriate hideaway in the SOL system, far from their pursuers' reach and sight. A similar fate awaited the other two refugee groups who settled beyond the galaxy.
Indeed, both refugee groups experienced harassment during their many years of flight, which most of them spent in spaceships as they travelled through the galaxy. During their travels revolutions and power struggles broke out and, as a consequence, the genetically-manipulated peoples lost not only all of their previously accumulated knowledge, but also the evidence of their ancestral heritage. Appalling dramas befell them and led to cannibalism throughout all of their spaceships.
As a result, the ancestral indications of the genetically-manipulated peoples, the future terrestrial humans, was lost. This knowledge consisted also of information regarding the Creational-natural laws and directives, among other things. Great confusion ensued that led to further problems in face of the knowledge about the dangers of their pursuit; this knowledge was passed down from one generation to the next.
The genetically manipulated peoples, along with their benefactors, the "traitor" "creator-overlords" who eventually settled on Mars and Malona, ultimately developed into a notable technological culture. Unfortunately, they were not able to protect themselves sufficiently and one day were forced to flee from the planets. (at that time Malona was among the inner planets and Venus was then far out in the solsystem - the destroyercomet later changed all those planets orbits. rø-remark)
Their scientists discovered that the SOL system was cosmically much more perilous than they had originally anticipated. Many comets, roaming planets, meteors and other perils repeatedly endangered the two newly inhabited planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton. Several of these space intersectors plunged upon the planets, causing immense damage and taking numerous human lives. In the process, a large roaming planet was discovered that had an unusually long rotation period and an orbit that projected it far beyond the outermost planets of the solar system.
According to the astronomers' calculations, this large celestial body threatened to collide with the planet Mars, or to ravage it to a point where all planetary life, including all floral, faunal and human life, would be completely destroyed and annihilated in the wake of a near collision.
The genetically-manipulated people, or rather their distant descendants, made the decision to abandon their place of exile. Even these distant descendants were aware of their situation as one of exile, for they remained cognizant of the danger of being pursued, albeit in a much vaguer form.
As a result, they were incapable of defining the origin of their peril any longer. The threatening wandering planet in the past, over a long period, had caused a great deal of destruction and wreaked great havoc in the SOL system. According to details formerly presented by Sfath, this celestial body named the "Destroyer" had previously caused the most horrifying destruction on their homeworlds in days gone by, before it streaked through space on its unpredictable course.
The "Destroyer" ensconced itself in the SOL system where it also wreaked much havoc. Over time it decreased its orbiting period to an average of 575.5 years; however, the Pleiadians/Plejarans have since increased this interval again. As a result, the "Destroyer" will again appear in the SOL system in about 1180 years.
The Pleiadians/Plejarans were unable to completely knock the planet off course, as they had planned; nonetheless, they did change the Destroyer's orbiting period and rotation time in such a way that it presents no longer any danger --- at least for the time being.
Normally, the planet would have returned in the year 2255 with devastating, destructive results. The High Council failed to give the Pleiadians/Plejarans permission to offset the wandering "Destroyer's" course by any other means or to destroy it, and it requested the Pleiadians/Plejarans refrain from doing so as the Destroyer's obliteration, or a change of its course, would have generated an even greater destruction and possibly even affected the Earth.
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