RAMA" and Sixto Jose Paz Wells
This is another case of
contact similar to that of Prof. Hernandez, but in this case the
contacts are still going on, and they involve more than one
first; some
on his father - also a ufo-researcher in the "old

Sixto Jose is the
second son of Sr. Jose Carlos Paz Garcia-Gorrochano,(picture
above) also of
Jima, who is recognized as one of the world's foremost leaders
in the investigation and study of UFOs. Carlos Paz Garcia, when
he was 27 years old, and recovering from a motor cycle accident
that disfigured him for life, discovered for himself a new
concept of religion and man's relationship to Diety. He became
interested in the stars and participated in the formation of the
Asociacion Peruana de Astroncnia", and was their first
In this capacity Carlos
Paz learned of the UFO reports being made at that time (1952),
and as they fit very well into his new concepts of Diety and our
relationship to it….and into his new interest..... Astronomy,
he soon became a focal point of contact, as a collector of such
reports, and rapidly became recognized as a senior expert on the
As the Astron
Association was composed of scientists, all well established in
their fields, they did not want to accept the introduction of
studies or investigations that they could not seriously support
-- and specifically they rejected the UFOs. For that reason,
upon not finding a favorable climate for the development of that
which, from the first reports, became his primary interest; to
study the possibility of intelligent beings comng from other
worlds to visit us, he separated himself from the Astronany
Association, and on 31 January 1955 founded the "Instituto
Peruanode Relaciones Interplanetarias (I.P.R.I.). Jose Carlos
recognized not only the possibility being demonstrated of the
existence of real extraterrestrial beings, but also the real
possibility of imminent contact with them.
Carlos Paz Garcia, his life changed by
circumstances, became a mature respectable man, and being guided
by the idea of visitations to Earth thought:
"If man should
discover that he was not alone, that there is a universe of
possibilities, of existences both superior and inferior to his
own, with diverse and distinat processes; if perhaps he could
demonstrate this and come to believe the conditions that
predispose a contact with them, could it be realized?"
He withstood the jokes
and the scorn - and even some threats, as well as the
intolerance by inquisitive minds that took refuge in schemes and
prejudice for fear of having to accept the fact that each day
was begun a new from zero, and that the dreams and visions of
the present are in truth the reality of the future. For
certainly we knew very little, but we could learn by searching,
and we must give ourselves the opportunity.

Sixto Jose Paz Wells
grew up in that kind of receptive climate, which did not train
new ideas out of him, and he simply did not accept
impossibilities. He kept an open mind and he sought answers for
He questioned the
dogmas of his own religion, and began to study others, including
several of the world's great religions. He studied other belief
systems including the Rosicrucians and the Theosophists, finding
more comfort in their more scientific approach to man's
relationship to the All, than in anything else he had
encountered so far.
Sixto Jose, after
months of studying the ideas of the so-called New Age
Metaphysics, learned to meditate properly, and then began to
receive "automatic writing".
He had been studying important UFO
contacts in his father's files, and sought to get information
from his "writer" on this exotic phenomenon. His
"writer" said that he was an extraterrestrial entity
and that he was communicating from his ship in space!
Sixto Jose took a
couple of his closest friends and his mother in on his secret
and they watched him receive his communications - in a different
hand and at a different speed from his own normal writing. The
profoundness of the contacts and the content of the messages
increased, and the participants began to ask questions of the
unseen "writer". They got immediate answers, and of
course the question of a proof of what was said to be going on
was sought.
Finally the "writer"
consented to a small demonstration, to be strictly limited
to the participants alone and in the greatest confidence. Nobody
else was to know. The "writer" quickly wrote:
"Go to 60
kilometers south of Lima, on 7 February, but only those who are
here now, and at 9 at night you will see us and this will
confirm the contact as real and necessary."
The exact location for
the contact was pictured in Sixto's mind. They began making
preparations to carry out this meeting, though at this time not
even Sixto was sure it would happen.
The place selected for
the contact that would confirm the communication was a declavity
between ridges in a desert zone, typical of the coast of Peru,
where still could be seen the remains of an irrigation canal
when that region, in the past, received water from the torrents
of the Sierra, which with the climactic changes suffered, has
been totally extinguished.
'Near-by is a small
town in an abandoned state called Papa Leon XIII, a place which
would serve us as a headquarters for our later trips; and there
lived one of the members of that first group, Juan Acervo, a
student in the "Programa de ArqLlitectura de Ia
Universidad Ricardo Palma of Lima". His mother would
always help us with much love and enthusiasm all the times we
would come to her well cared for field house, near the sea.
'The nights in the
Peruvian desert are cold and silent, characteristics which
seemed to amplify our anxiety that grew with the slow passage of
the hours.
As we had arrived the
day before, that indicated for the experience, we took the night
to advance as much as possible, trying to penetrate the desert
by the antique road that ascended the mountains toward Santo
Domingo de los Olleros, exploring for the first time that
zone. With our knapsacks on our backs we began our walk. The air
was fresh and we made good fortune, but our inexperience in
camping resulted in having overloaded our knapsacks beyond what
we could carry, for which the enthusiasm soon gave way to
exhaustion, which ended by making us fall over the large stones
of the dry wash of the old river. We remained in that gully
until morning, resting and sleeping a little.
'With the first light
of dawn we awoke and after eating something, resumed our march.
Farther on we saw a stopped truck, fishing tuna that abounded
there.("masser av tunfisk") We asked them if they
would give us a lift, to which the driver agreed. We advanced
considerably that morning with the help of that transport. When
we stopped, we bid goodbye to the truck driver who returned to
Chilca. We advanced up a creek bed where Mito, Charlie (Sixto's
brother), and Juan raised the tents, fighting the wind that
commenced to blow that morning. We went up to the top of a hill
where we all sat down to talk about the reason we were there and
the importance of all of us being able to come to confirm the
From our place there,
we could see the whole valley extended before our eyes, but in
the meantime, as the hours were passing, the temperature
continued rising and we used up the little water that in our
imprevision we had carried. There was nothing to give us shade
in that desert outcrop except the tents, but we could not spend
much time in them because they were hotter inside. We decided we
had to get some water, for which the four of us split up taking
our canteens with us. We had not walked a kilometer under the
implacable sun in that place, when we came upon a solitary tree
in the middle of the desert. We ran to it to rest ourselves in
it's shade and found that we had to share it's benefits with a
hive of wasps. We quickly removed ourselves from there, doing
ourselves a favor in the process, because some 50 meters farther
on, we came upon some vines of Italian grapes, with edible
bunches. What was this? Grapes in the middle of nowhere? Later
we came to understand that in season they accumulated a good
quantity of water that came dawn in the dry wash there, that we
had been walking in farther back. This was for us a miracle. We
picked as much as we could carry and took them back, feasting
until we were full. About that time the morning wind came up and
broke down the tents, leaving us without shelter for the night.
With this our spirit for adventure went down, which had already
deteriorated considerably from the excessive heat and the
tiredness of the night before. We decided to return with all our
things to Papa Leon XIII and wait there in it's surroundings for
the supposed sighting.
We had no more than
finished packing up our camp when, surprisingly, a truck from
the Army came by, going down the dry wash in the direction of
Chilca. We stopped it with signals and accepted a lift. We got
aboard with the soldiers who had been shooting in the upper
zones. From Chilca we went to Papa Leon to the Juan Acervo's
house and refreshed ourselves in preparation for the night.
The nocturnal vigil
began with a cold refreshment served lovingly by Juan's mother,
and we took the opportunity to discuss the situation. The
general idea was, "Don't wait for anything." Certainly
the great majority was sure of what would happen, or better said,
"that nothing would happen", but all of them were not
concerned about the group, since they had taken this trip as an
outing, and at the time, a hallucinant adventure.
Among all those
present, I considered myself among the most sceptical. I
continued rejecting inside of me the ease with which all this
had been given. Contact with extraterrestrials through people as
simple as us, could not be a fact. It was easier for me to think
that all was responding to my own imagination, or perhaps to
some jokster entity.
When the hour indicated
in the communication approached, our spirits seemed to become
irritated. Guillermo Duf , a college friend who was present,
came to me to communicate his impression of that trip, saying
that we were wasting time, because according to the
probabilities, nothing out of the ordinary would happen that
night, unless we confused ourselves with a star, some meteor, or
even a satellite, with the expected sighting of a UFO. And he
said to me that he sincerely thought that all was a product of
some trick perpetrated by me in combination with some other
group. I responded by trying to convince him until I was tired,
that we must wait since it already lacked so little we would all
be out of doubt.
I heard talk among the
group making reference to very ancient men who in the past had
also been selected by the then-called Gods or Angels -- that
such appeared in various sacred books and legends -- that those
selected were simple men, but with something in common, which
made them overleap the rest, and that we should not wait to
discover and to evaluate.
We lacked scarcely
minutes to the hour fixed for the confirmation of the messages.
Anxiety in some had reached it's maximum, while in others it was
the pessimism that gained more and more ground. Doubt also grew,
and together with that a desire to hide then all that was true.
We were conscious of the limitations in groups as well as
personalities, which distanced us from the optimum conditions
that we supposed necessary for anything to happen, but there we
were in the middle of the desert in the full night of Saturday
when we could have been doing other things, passing the time
well in a movie or some party.
We were not much
surprised when, from behind a hill -- that did not reach much
more than 100 meters of height -- there slowly emerged a silver
light that we at first took for the Moon It was exactly 9 P.M.
and the light finished coming from it's hiding place,
illuminating only the place where we were as if like day. It was
approaching the group slowly, allowing us to appreciate its
hamburger-shaped form. At both sides of that great metallic
object, orange, blue and yellow lights pulsed on and off on what
seemed like stabilizers, because little by little the ship was
coming to a stop scarcely 80 meters above us.

picture here
not of this case
In the upper part of
the discoid apparatus, a half dozen windows could be clearly
distinguished. Some could even see silhouettes of people in them.
The heat that radiated
from the apparatus was tremendous. Among us were some who could
not believe what they were seeing and did not stop rubbing their
eyes, and more than one came to ask that their arm be pinched to
be sure that they were not dreaming this. It was at that moment
that Mito rushed over to me begging me almost hysterically that
I communicate with them and tell them to go away, that all of us
were terrified.
I also felt an
uncontrollable fear, but this was not as much as the disorder in
which I found myself submerged due to having succeeded in the
unimaginable, as if to say, that which was not within the frame
of possibilities, I thought, now was. All had been real!
Contact truly existed
and it had been just so simple.
The insistence of all
that I communicate with the ship, decided me to sit down and try
to get into communication through pencil and paper, in the
accustomed manner, which was psychographically. The answer did
not have to wait despite my nervousness, and this is what was
"we will not
descend at this time because you do not control your emotions.
Make preparation, a time and a place..."

Picture taken in Peru by
members of first groups
The message coincided
with what had been received by the majority mentally.
Without taking our eyes
from the ship, which continued the interchange of lights - as if
wanting to communicate their total control of the situation,
with our flashlights which had totally discharges in minutes,
losing energy - we opted to comment on what we felt at time, and
what we were seeing, to diminish the fear and to assure
ourselves of the sighting. The ship remained above us for 15
minutes until it began to rotate upon it's axis and at great
velocity headed straight toward the ocean; where later they
revealed to us the existence of a submarine base, specifically
in front of the beaches of Leon Dormido and Puerto Veijo,
kilometers 80 and 82 on the Panamerican Highway South.
After we lost sight of
it, several moments passed before we began to react,
appreciating in full the dimension and importance of what had
The return was
triumphal for the others, who could not contain their glee, but
I felt emotional and exhausted by the tension that had overcome
me minutes before all that was seen, and after for the
confirmation so evident and so impressive.
All that mixture of
fear and happiness made me think during the return to the house.
I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility that I still did not
understand, knowing that this irremediably released the present
and future happenings, for which I could not share in the shouts
of jubilation of some and the smiles of the rest.
The following day, at
breakfast, we informed our parents of the transcendence of the
happenings. My father listened respectfully, but we knew that in
him there was a prejudice, already for us the first
disappointment, that he took this as a joke against his person
and also for the fact that he did not want to believe his own
sons or other young person, without the experience and knowledge
necessary, which he judged indispensable, could develop and
maintain any type of contact with those beings in which he
believed, and to which he had dedicated a great part of his life
as an investigator.
There was then a
delicate problem of our own love and pride; but what my father
and all the other serious investigators of the phenomenon had
not foreseen, was that independently of a complete preparation
or capacity for the contact, that, in the ultimate instance it
is supposedly at the will of the extraterrestrials, who under a
planned system of selection, determine whom they will select,
who fulfills the requirements that they consider indispensable
for the mission together with them.
For my father, not only
was our contact little probable, but it was taken as a fantasy,
that to have reality would make him understand that nothing had
been valid of the long years of energy devoted which at the
first opportunity had been left aside. Doubt had been sown
inside him, but he did not think of the fact that without his
work preparing the road, the contact with us never could have
come to reality. Without wanting it, he had been the useful
instrument and had to continue being it, above all disinterest,
which constitutes the key to spiritual progress.
As the disinterest of
my father persisted, we waited for the arrival of the habitual
hour to receive communications, more or less 9 P.M., to consult
the guides on what we could do to convince him. Their answer was
somewhat long for our intended question but at the same time it
denoted sincerity and said:
"you must not seek
to convince anybody, least of all your parents. The experiences
and confirmations are given only to those that with an open mind
and with the humility necessary, present themselves or arrive
where you are, disposed to compromise within yourselves, because
you already believe in this and are at an evolving age, an age
of learning and such only await the call alone."
"Be conscious that
you do not expect a faith weak in the labor of development, less
still in us or in our existence, to not have such importance,
since our presence is an evident and demonstrable reality."
"You must try to
meet people that, how to find the basic aspect, the reason for
our apparition over the planet and can understand it without
preconcepta. You need people young in spirit who believe they
can begin each day anew, from zero if necessary; people who are
disposed to undo all that went before and to reinseminate their
life, the priorities of existence and the true value of things;
people who know how to distinguish the reflections from the
realities and who living in the world, do not pertain to it nor
share in it's corruption. That not look for the quantity of
people, but the quality of the persons."
"As we toast your
friendship, we know how to correspond, cheerfully sharing our
responsibility for developing the Mission of orientation of your
humanity as well as to assure you of our aid and support in
front of the difficulties that can be presented. Finally, we
know that the Mission will fall totally upon the human, because
this is your plane of evolution and you must evolve with it and
be responsible for it."
"Being true to you
our brothers, to your time we allocate the means of transport,
because you will be removed from the face of the Earth, but of
course we will give you guidelines for preparation."
"With love, OXALC."
Despite the content of
the message, we insisted to the guides on asking for some kind
of confirmation for our father, to which, with much patience,
they accepted to giving us a sighting. OXA indicated the
following Saturday, the 14th of February 1974, as the date for
the trip to Chilca, to where we must go with him, but without
anybody else.
Upon informing our
father of what they had said, he mentioned the great illusion
that they represented to us, however after thinking about it, he
accepted the offer to go, but he told us that we ought to go on
ahead because, with the details they had given us about the
place, he would know how to get there before the time set.
Upon arriving at the
accustomed place, we went up onto a ridgeline where we could see
a long stretch of the access road to that place. The site was
solitary desert, an adequate frame of reference for an
extraterrestrial contact. It was 6:45 p.m. when -- as they had
assured us -- they arrived. Seven people made up our small
advance group, and all of us noticed the apparition above our
heads of two ships of discoid form, of at least 15 meters
diameter each, with orange and blue lights flashing.
Our watches marked the
hour as exactly 7 P.M. when, in the distance, on the dirt road,
we saw the lights of an automobile. We jumped with excitement
upon seeing that all was being accomplished exactly as we hoped
for the occasion. Even more, there was no end to our excitement
when over our shoulders there appeared a mother-ship or support
craft -- which act as ambulant aerial bases --which was at least
150 meters long, with white lights along the sides.

(picture is
not of the situation- only art)
Our emotion was
suddenly interrupted upon seeing that on the road where my
father was supposed to be coming we could now see the lights of
more than one auto. Fearing that all would be thrown to a loss,
Mito and I ran down the hill to confront the unexpected
intruders. We had not even come to the wash when we could see in
our surroundings, at least some 10 parked automobiles and a
great number of strange people who had gotten out of them to
install themselves comfortably in tents, and with tables and
folding seats, to await a spectacle. Others still had not
finished setting up their telescopes and cleaning their
binuculars, as well as other accessories.
But who were all those
inopportune curiosity seekers, and where was our father.
Suddenly, in the middle of the bellicose and disordered crowd,
he appeared. He looked completely happy, with a complacent
smile, which abruptly disappeared when he found himself in front
of us and saw the expression on our faces. Our looks never could
have been more demonstrative of our indignation at the deception
that we felt. He immediately lowered his head and as if looking
for an excuse, argued rapidly that not only had he not believed
in the contact, but that he had also permitted the invitation of
all the people of the I.P.R.I. for that excursion that he
qualified --underestimating it -- as a simple trip. He was
quickly taken up and absorbed by the members of the Institute,
like bees on honey, as they surrounded him. We left my father,
giving a last look at the encampment.
It certainly was
incredible to see how the meeting was being cheapened. There
were already those around a table who had grabbed space and
taking pen in hand, in a state of trance, were trying to
establish contact of a mediumistic character. Others, incapable
of controlling their habits, which had followed them even here,
were celebrating the free night air, but instead of
disintoxicating themselves from the city and perhaps
contemplating the stars, preferred to drink their fill from
cases of bottles of beer that were stacked beside the tents,
where others could be found in full romance.
We did not know what to
do. At the one hand we felt indignation, but on the other we
wanted to overcome the shame that we felt weighing on us for our
impotence in not being able to express our frustration. All of
this had made us forget that still above the mountain could be
found the three ships, and upon turning the sight to see if they
were still there, the two smaller ones descended rapidly below
the mountain toward the dry wash that opened into the valley,
passing so low above the people, that it produced a general rush
to escape, overturning tables and knocking many bottles to the
ground, and burying many people within the tents.
The ships made a right
angle turn and ascended at great velocity above the heads of
all, and opening up in such a way that one went toward the north
and the other to the south. After that there followed seconds of
total silence, which was interrupted by a harsh sounding noise,
like a reactor, as well as a loud buzz. It was the gigantic
mother-ship which from it's stationary place was making
continuous changes in the color tones of it's lights, and which
slowly began changing it's position, being initially tilted
toward the left. It finally became horizontal and then turned on
itself placing the point in position and headed toward the
southeast, slowly, but with increasing speed, then passing a
scarce 400 meters above the encampment.
Up to this moment,
dozens of the people of I.P.R.I. had been following the
movements and found themselves astonished by the strange
spectacle of which they had been witnesses. My father did not
cease looking for us, but it was late and we had begun our
return back up the mountain.
Oscar, Paco, Charlie,
Sixto and David
Upon rejoining the rest
of the young men of the contact group, we tried to console
ourselves over the un-easiness that lay over us. We had made the
mistake. It was not our father who had failed, but ourselves,
who had wanted to force things, imposing our truth, demanding
too much of the growing friendship with the guides. Thus we
began to assimilate our errors and to seek the approval of them,
which in essence was the experience that brought us closer to
the correct form. Without this justification, the errors had
been a sign along our road, since in committing errors, one
realizes one advances. It is not the same when one is immobile
or remains observing the disinvolvement of others. The danger is
not found in committing them, but in remaining too long in error,
since the longer one remains in error, the more difficult it
will be to overcome such condition.
The course many times
seems confusing, full of mists like in a blindness, and we have
to immerse ourselves many times, until we come to see the light
of day, but if we remain in this condition, we may lose
ourselves irremediably. So much time we have tried to progress
in our search; the tests and the errors become ever more
demanding, because the falls are from ever greater heights. The
only thing that helps us to overcome them, is the humility to
accept them, recognize them, and the force of will to overcome
and conquer.
We remained thus, alone,
on the crest of the ridge, in the midst of the overwhelming
solitude of the desert, without any animating capacity to
receive any communication to clarify how much more we had been
... The messages we
were receiving at this stage of the contacts consisted of a good
quantity of instructions, some history and some predictions.
They were of such interest that we began to file them in a
folder as an archive of communications. Some of the young men of
the group had the foresight to make copies of the more valuable
of the communications, thus preserving at least those when the
file was stolen. In this case there was more than one "receiver"
of the communications and so they were never all in one place,
another fortunate event that reduced the extent of the loss. In
fact this multichannel reception was one thing that
characterized these contacts and made them different from all
The first theme that
they embraced, in partial form,
-- perhaps because we had not given it
at that time the importance necessary, or perhaps we were not
prepared to understand and overcome such knowledge -- was that
of the "catastrophe" that hung potentially over the
Earth. Here is when many of us reflected on whether fatalism and
the collective subconscious, was what created such thoughts,
predisposing such disasters; but this pessimistic version of the
destiny of humanity matured in the measure of time which secured
the bonds with the Guides, confirming the feel of their presence
and the voice of warning represented by the contacts.
It is now when we know
that the great "Catastrophe", which they describe, is
something announced by an innumerable number of revelations and
prophecies in all of the religions and beliefs, and in sum is
synonymous with a great test, a final selection and at the same
time the step to a necessary and favorable purgatory change to
an era of peace and progress.
The "Catastrophe"
is the commonly called "Judgement of the Nations" of
which Christianity makes reference in the Evangels and the
Apocalypse of Saint John.
According to the
extraterrestrial civilizations that have been observing us,
since the appearance of man on the face of the Earth, the planet
is a plane of evolution, subject to a vicious circle, in which
has existed for millions of years, a multiplicity of
civilizations which reached as much or more development than the
present one, and which destroyed itself due to it's arrogance
and egotism, which came to produce in them a loss of spiritual
values and in turn a cult of slavery to material things through
a science divorced from humanism. The Guides have manifestly
shown that man, once more, in the present, finds himself
confronting the possibility of advancing or disappearing as such
from the equation. And it is here that we remember the message
of hope when faced with the end of the world, that it will bring
our humanity to a sincere change. Do we not have at present, a
chance that the change will not be imposed, that what could
guarantee the evolution is the correct and voluntary use of free
will toward evolution, without force or threat, for the best
intentions that exist?
The extraterrestrial
presence certainly is the final warning before a series of
happenings that could produce an acceleration of the process of
transit, in which the Earth finds itself, which, instead of
destroying itself - would bring it toward a transformation,
at a cost of a partial destruction of it's population and
civilization, as a purgation that stimulates a reorientation.
All of this will occur, according to what they have said, in an
imprecise time soon, "so close that you will not be able to
stop it when you see it coming..." (OXALC).
The changes on the
planet will obtain when this world enters a state of transition
toward the fourth dimension, and the circumstances that hurry
this change are possibly a comet or an asteroid striking the
Earth, producing changes in the electromagnetic field,
detonating the atomic material found activated in their storage,
and bringing destruction and contamination upon the same
countries that created them. The chain reaction may leave only
one part of the world survivable, and that could be the central
zone of South America.
The vicious circle will
finally be broken because the remnant of humanity that remains,
that previously had been extracted from the face of the Earth,
will be well trained arid prepared to overcome the adversities
and the errors committed. Great mother-ships are placed at the
disposition of the terrestrial travelers, who in complete
families and in large numbers will receive help and support from
their superior brothers to preserve the human genus, selecting
as points of descent and embarkation, those places indicated
from ancient times, such as Nazca, for example.
It may not be then, as
man fears, that all will be a product of a third world war. Even
today, neutral lands are free through arrangements, that reduce
the local control by the great powers that intervene in covert
or overt form. It is ever more probable that such could come
about through a computer signal, that all could be the product
of an unforseen accident, due to the stress of political tension
in the hands of the military, provoked by the ones who
mistakenly tell them to use such energy. Certainly
those events will come when the environment has reached the
maximum of degeneration and has lost all moral values, which,
without being prophets, we can see at simple sight is not far
away. Already the order is allegoism,
destabilization and destruction, which governs our civilization.
Actually the
demographic explosion and it's consequent problems, are
interpreted by the extraterrestrial minds as a reply by the
Universe before the moment of evaluation that passes through the
Earth and becomes a springboard in evolution, for which many
beings with a potential for evolution, who belong to other
planets also in the third dimension, are now being sent to this
one, incarnating here to take advantage of the opportunity to
transcend (to the fourth dimension), embodying the test of man.
In this manner are
released such persons as those who have no identification with
any epoch of the history of this world. When some undertake such
exercises in regressive reincarnation, there emerge details of
which one is completely unaware, to his knowledge. Many then do
not pertain to the cycle of incarnations of this planet, but all
learn the precise moment when it becomes favorable for one of
them to undertake the test of change and evolution.
But is it perhaps the
help and protection promised by the ships of space, that
guarantee that later we will not relapse into our errors of the
We do not have much
assurance that man will come to attain a state of consciousness
that will allow him to evaluate and overcome the experience of
his whole past. This change of attitude toward life is not
acquired as easily, if we continue living in the anti-love state
that is egoism, since this is against our own nature. Man is a
social being, fulfilled in society through human relations ever
more humane, by which he partakes of and gives to it,
accomplishing the execution of the cosmic plan that exists over
him, and in which he is assigned a singular place in the
harmonious disposition of the Universe. To
deny this is to deny our own essence.
Is it, perhaps, that by
observing the example they set for us, we can achieve such
needed change? Perhaps with a good example before us we may
advance some, but, how long will it last? They will have to go
on their way, and with their departure will we return to our old
ways, as has already happened in other epochs? The only form of
assurance that man can overcome his debilities and assume his
great moment, is to help him and to make the knowledge
accessible to him. "Only the truth can set man free".
But fear and insecurity
exist for those who hide in the corner. Unequal riches and wars
are due to the uncertainty and fears, that are nothing more than
ignorance and lack of identification with the power of the will
and the mental and spiritual essence of life. It is this aspect
which we have to go deeper into from now on, as the reception of
knowledge and perception of the truth, is a great part of the
feeling of the experience lived.
The messages that
followed that of the Catastrophe, made us permanently aware that
we must prepare to disseminate what was happening to us. All of
this we received with great respect, despite our not
understanding anything of what they were telling us, not even
when they referred to that of "a preparation".
The trips and the
meetings now in middle March, were by invitation of the Guides,
and for this there was a secluded place, already discovered
beforehand in the meeting with I.P.R.I. when we followed the
route of one of the ships that went to the north. This place we
called "the mine", for it's having served before as a
quarry. It was sufficiently hospitable, being between low hills
that gave it some isolation without being very far from the road.
In this place we could hear a strange and persistent hum with a
peculiar clarity. We consulted concerning this place and decided
it would be propitious for our work, and we always came to these
experiences with anticipation. Often we would see a ship pass by
there at an altitude of some 500 feet, flashing bright beacons
of light, bombarding the whole area with them, and discharging a
thick fog of bluish color with silver sparks. The communications
recommended that we should carry out our work of "instruction"
in those irradiated and positively charged places, which
consisted of an acceleration of vibrations and activation of our
potential for extrasensorial perception by means of certain
Sixto Paz Wells in a Radio Program Interview
Upon finishing the
exercises, the pressure in the nape of the neck and forehead,
showed us the intensity of it's realization. At the same time we
had to remove our coats for the intense heat we felt and which
lasted several days. Another detail of those trips was that we
returned from them glowing with a phosphorescence that, as was
said, soon disappeared and was gone by the following morning.
This place, located
near kilometer 58 of the Panamerican Highway South, and a few
kilometers east, toward the mountains, would serve during the
following four months as an adequate site for the practices of
preparation, which required silence and solitude.
One by one the
uncounted trips were causing us to disc over the existence of a
preconceived plan, in which nothing we had lived had been of
casual being, but was programmed by the cosmic hierarchies.
So that our egos would not inflate us
with pride, we eminded each other in a permanent way, that it
was THEM who had made the contact possible, and that before,
during and after us, the contacts had existed with hundreds of
thousands of persons, looking for a reaction similar of that
produced in us.
It has been difficult during all those
years to maintain an attitude of humility to give us guidance
and acceptance of the rules and directions; not denying that
more than once we had lost the trail, above all when we had
succumbed to pride and vanity. The secret seemed to be in not
losing sight of the goal to be achieved, as well as our
condition as simple conscious instruments, putting aside our own
interests and personal ambitions. We are like a tube, which by
itself is useless, except as a connection of one part to another
integrating all and allowing passage through it.
There is no merit in completing the
assigned function without freely accepting our road and the
requirements it entails. For the additional instruction which we
have received up to this moment, in other existences in other
the opportunity of being conscious and being able to use planes
of evolution, we are reminded that we are here because we have
not been greater in other lives, since as we know, we are the
product of our past existences. But certainly we have gained
some merit to have been given our liberty to fortify our will
when confronted by the tests.
We were selected from among the
commonest of the people, reminding us that from the simplest are
those called to a service that disorients those considered most
The dimension of human contacts like
this is found to make man rediscover his lost values, and above
all his fellow beings, through which the spirit of the Creator
is made more accessible.
Each one must labor, with much force
and sacrifice, for a place in the MISSION OF SALVATION of the
human races and the survival of man on the face of the Earth.
[This Appendix was extracted from a 311
Paz Wells. The book, according to the express orders of the
Guides, is never to be sold, but is given freely to all who
order it. We recommend a donation to cover printing and postage
so that the books may continue to be given to all who seek this
kind of information. This version is printed in Spanish in Peru.
Send your donation and mailing address for the book to:
Apto. Postal 1561-LIMA 100, Lima, Peru.
The book is illustrated with some
remarkable photographs taken during the experiences described.
This appendix was added to this work
because it tends to confirm a lot of what Prof. Hernandez
being told, and the confirmation comes from an entirely
different group of contacting a different group of Earth humans,
in another country and place, who at the time the two accounts
were being set down in writing could not have heard of each
other nor the other's contacts taking place at the same times.
There are other similar contacts also taking place at this time
elsewhere on our planet, equally unrelated, but also discussing
the same or similar things. This ought to be something of
interest to a whole lot more people, because after all, it is us
who are most affected by the events.

Another point of particular interest
here is that the groups, like the Aedromedan groups, and the
Pleadeian groups, and the UMMO groups, are carrying out
operations all over our world, and have other contactees,
unknown to each other, who are all being influenced to work
toward a master plan to save enough of the human species of this
planet, not contaminated by the dangerous ills of our aberrant
society, to preserve the species lines for another opportunity
to complete the evolution of our races at a better time and
Must the bulk of us fail? Surely if we
allow ourselves to be swept up in the suicidal destiny we have
planned for ourselves and our beautiful blue planet. If enough
of the beings do not want what we have planned, we can reverse
the process and get control of the monsters we have created, and
then many more could survive into a glorious new age.
Below: more ummo-ship pictures

link on ummo-contacts