‘We can compare this process with a nine-stage filter, intended to rid the water passing through, of nine elements. At the end of stage one in the process, one will have been completely eliminated, with eight remaining. Of course, to make this information easier to digest, I am making enormous use of imagery...
‘This Astral body then, will have completed its cycle with the Higher Self of the first category and will then detach itself from Higher Self number one to rejoin the Higher Self of the second category; the entire process will be repeated. By the same token, the Astral body will be sufficiently spiritually advanced to pass to a planet of the next category, as well.
‘I see you are not following me very well and I am anxious that you will understand absolutely, all that I explain to you.
‘In his wisdom, The Spirit, by means of the Fourth force, provided for nine categories of planets. At present, you are on the planet Thiaoouba which is in the ninth category; that is, at the top of the scale.
‘Earth is a planet of the first category and therefore at the bottom of the scale. What does this mean? The planet Earth could be likened to a kindergarten with the emphasis on teaching basic social values. A planet of the second category would then correspond with a primary school where further values are taught - in both schools, adult guidance is imperative. The third category would comprise secondary schools where a foundation of values allows exploration beyond. Next, you would go to university, where you are treated as an adult, for you would not only have attained a certain amount of knowledge, but you would also start to accept civic responsibility.
‘This is the type of progress occurring with the nine categories of planets. The more spiritually advanced you are, the more you will benefit, on a superior planet, by an environment and general way of life which is superior. The very way in which you procure food is much easier, which in turn, simplifies the process of organising your way of life; the consequence is more effective spiritual development.
‘On the higher planets, Nature itself, enters the stage to assist ‘the pupil’ and, by the time you reach planets of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth category, not only is your Astral body highly evolved, your physical body has also benefited from your development.
‘We know you have already been favourably impressed by what you have seen on our planet. As you see more, you will appreciate that it is what you would call on Earth, ‘a paradise’; and yet, compared with true happiness, when you become a pure spirit, it is still nothing.
‘I must be careful not to make this explanation too long, for you must report it word for word, changing nothing in the book that you will write. It is absolutely essential you allow no personal opinion to intrude.
‘No, don’t get anxious - Thao will help you with the details when the time comes to start writing...
‘From this planet, it is possible either to remain in a physical body or be reunited with the Great Spirit in the ether.’
As these words were uttered, the Aura surrounding the leader shone more brightly than ever and I was surprised to see him almost disappear in a golden mist, only to reappear a second later.
‘You have understood that the Astral body is a body which inhabits your physical body recalling and noting all the understanding acquired during the course of its various lives.
‘It can only be enriched spiritually - not materially. The physical body is merely a vehicle which, in most cases we abandon when we die.
‘I will elaborate, for I see that ‘in most cases’ has confused you. By this, I mean that some of us, including all on our planet, are able to regenerate the cells of our bodies at will. Yes, you have already noticed that most of us seem to be of the same age. We are one of three planets that are the most highly evolved in this galaxy. Some of us can, and do, directly join what we call the great ether.
‘So, on this particular planet, we have arrived at a stage near perfection, both materially and spiritually. But we have our roles to perform, as does every creature existing in the Universe; in fact, everything, including a single pebble, has its role.
‘Our role, as beings of a superior planet, is to guide - to help with spiritual development and even, sometimes, materially. We are in a position to give material assistance because we are technologically the most advanced people. Indeed, how could a father give spiritual guidance to his child if he were not older, more educated and more skilled in diplomacy than the child?
‘If the child should require physical punishment, as unfortunately, is sometimes the case, isn’t it important that the parent be physically stronger than the child? Certain adults, who refuse to listen and who are absolutely stubborn, also need to be corrected by physical means.
‘You, Michel, come from the planet Earth, which is sometimes called ‘The Planet of Sorrows’. Indeed, the name is appropriate, but it is this way for a precise reason - it is intended to provide a learning environment of a quite specific kind. It is not because life there is so difficult that you have to intervene - you cannot lightly go against Nature, destroying rather than conserving what the Creator has put at your disposal; that is, interfering with ecological systems, which have been intricately designed. Certain countries, like Australia, where you are from, are beginning to show great respect for ecology and it is a step in the right direction; but even in that country, what case is made of pollution - both water and air pollution? What is ever done about one of the worst forms of pollution? Noise.
‘I say ‘worst’ because people such as Australians pay virtually no attention to it at all.
‘Ask someone if traffic noise bothers him and the response will surprise you - eighty five per cent of the time it will be; ‘What noise? What are you talking about? Oh that noise - we get used to it.’ And it is precisely because they ‘get used to it’ that the danger exists.’
Just then, Thaora, as this high figure was called, made a gesture and I turned around. He was replying to a question I had mentally posed; ‘How can he speak of percentages and know so much about our planet with so much precision?’
Turning around, I almost uttered a cry of surprise for, behind me, stood Biastra and Latoli. In itself, this was nothing surprising, but the friends I knew who measured 310 and 280 centimetres in height respectively, were now reduced in size to correspond with my height. My mouth must have continued to gape, for Thaora smiled.
‘Can you understand, that sometimes, and very often in these days, some of us live among your people on Earth? - and there is my answer to your question.
‘To continue on the very important subject of noise, it is such a danger that, if nothing is done, catastrophe is certain.
‘Let us take the example of a discotheque. The people who expose themselves to music that is typically played three times too loudly, are subjecting their brains and their physiological and astral bodies to vibrations which are so harmful. If they could see the damage that is caused, they would vacate the discotheque quicker than if there was a fire.
‘But vibrations don’t only come from noise; they also come from colours and it is astonishing that, on your planet, experiments conducted in this field have not been followed up. Our ‘agents’ reported a particular experiment involving a man who was capable of lifting a certain weight. It was (found) (that-Editor’s addition) after staring for a moment at a pink coloured screen, he consistently lost thirty per cent of his strength.
‘Your civilisation pays no attention to such experimentation. In fact, colours can enormously influence the behaviour of human beings and yet, control of this influence requires that an individual’s Aura be taken into account. If for example, you want to paint or wallpaper your bedroom with the colours that are truly appropriate for you, you must be aware of the colours of certain principal points of your Aura.
‘By matching the colours of your walls with those of your Aura, you can improve your health or maintain good health. Further, the vibrations emanating from these colours are essential for good mental balance, exerting their influence even while you sleep.’
I was wondering how we could be expected to know these significant colours in our Auras when, on Earth, we were not capable of perceiving Auras.
Of course, Thaora replied immediately, without me having to say a word aloud.
‘Michel, it is now very important that your experts invent the special equipment necessary, to enable perception of the Aura, as this, in turn, will ensure that correct choices are made at the critical cross-roads ahead.
(same said Rampa in 1955 - rø-comment)
‘The Russians have already photographed the Aura. This is the beginning, but the results obtained allow them only to read the first two letters of the alphabet, as it were, in comparison with what we are able to decipher. The reading of the Aura in order to heal the physical body is nothing compared with what such a reading can achieve for the psychic body, or the physiological body. It is in the area of the psyche that, on Earth, your greatest problems exist.
‘At the moment, most responsibility is taken for the physical body, but this is a serious mistake. If your psyche is poor, it will influence your physical appearance accordingly, but, regardless, your physical body will wear out and die one day, whereas your psyche, being part of your Astral body, never dies. On the contrary, the more you cultivate your mind, the less you will be burdened by your physical body and the quicker you will proceed through your cycle of lives.
‘We could have brought you to our planet in Astral body, but instead, we have brought you here in physical body - and for an important reason. I see you already understand our reason. This pleases us and we thank you for your willingness to assist us in our task.’
The Thaora stopped talking and seemed to lapse into thought, at the same time, fixing me with his luminous eyes. I cannot say how much time elapsed. I know my state became more and more euphoric and I was aware that the Auras of the seven personages were gradually changing. The colours became more vivid in places, softer in others, while the outer edges became misty.
This mist became more golden and pink as it spread, gradually blurring the seven figures. I felt Thao’s hand on my shoulder.
‘No, you are not dreaming, Michel. It’s all quite real.’ She spoke very loudly and, as if to prove her point, she pinched my shoulder so hard, she left a bruise that could be seen for several weeks.
‘Why did you do that? I would not have thought you capable of such violence, Thao.’
‘I’m sorry, Michel, but sometimes strange means are employed. The Thaori always disappear - and sometimes appear in this manner - and you might have thought it part of a dream. I am entrusted with the task of ensuring that you recognise what is real.’
With these words, Thao pivoted me around and I followed her, as we departed by the same route we had come.
The Continent of Mu
and Easter Island
Before leaving the doko, Thao fitted a mask on my head - a mask that was different from the one I’d worn previously. I was able to see colours that were much more vivid and much more luminous.
‘How do you feel in your new voki Michel? Do you find the light tolerable?’
‘Yes... it’s... fine, it’s so beautiful and I feel so...’ With that, I collapsed at Thao’s feet. She took me in her arms and carried me to the flying platform.
I awoke in my doko, quite astonished. My shoulder was hurting; quite instinctively I put my hand to the pain, and grimaced.
‘I am really sorry, Michel, but it was necessary.’ There was just a hint of remorse in Thao’s expression.
‘What happened to me?’
‘Let’s say that you fainted, although the word is not quite appropriate; rather, you were overwhelmed with beauty. Your new voki allows fifty per cent of the vibrations of colour on our planet to pass, whereas your former voki subdued all but twenty per cent.’
‘Only twenty per cent? - that’s incredible! All those marvellous colours I could see - the butterflies, the flowers, the trees, the ocean... No wonder I was overcome. I remember, during a journey I made from France to New Caledonia, we called in at the island of Tahiti. While there, I toured the island with family and friends, in a hired car. The islanders were delightful and made such a charming picture, with their straw hats constructed on the banks of lagoons amidst bougainvillea, hibiscus and exoras - red, yellow, orange and purple, surrounded by well-kept lawns and shaded by coconut trees.
‘The backdrop to these scenes was provided by the blue of the ocean. We spent all day touring the island and I described it in my journal as having been an entire day of inebriation for my eyes. I was, indeed, intoxicated by the beauty around me; and yet, now, I admit all that was nothing compared with the beauty here on your planet.’
Thao had listened to my description with marked interest, smiling all the while. She placed her hand on my forehead and said, ‘Rest now, Michel. Later you will feel better and will be able to come with me.’
I fell asleep immediately and slept peacefully, without dreaming, I think for about 24 hours. When I awoke, I felt rested and refreshed.
Thao was there, and Latoli and Biastra had joined her. They had regained their normal size and I commented on the fact straight away.
‘Little time is required for such a metamorphose, Michel,’ explained Biastra, ‘but that is not important. Today we are going to show you something of our country and introduce you to some very interesting people.’ Latoli approached me and touched my shoulder with her fingertips, just where Thao had bruised me. Instantly, the pain vanished and I felt quivers of well-being run through my whole body. She returned my smile and handed me my new mask.
I still found that, outside, I had to squint against the light. Thao gestured to me indicating that I should climb on to the Lativok as our flying platform was called. The others chose to fly independently, fluttering about our vehicle, as though playing a game - and no doubt they were. On this planet, the inhabitants seemed perpetually happy; the only ones I had found to be serious - in fact, even a little severe, despite their air of benevolence - were the seven Thaori.( Thaori is the plural of Thaora.)
We flew at high speed, several metres above the water and, although my curiosity was constantly aroused, I often had to close my eyes to allow them to ‘recover’ from the brightness.
Still, it appeared I was going to become accustomed to it... I wondered how I would cope though, if it occurred to Thao to give me a mask which permitted seventy per cent of the light to penetrate - or even more?
We rapidly approached the coast of the mainland, where waves were breaking over rocks of green, black, orange and gold. The iridescence of the water, crashing against the rocks, under the perpendicular rays of a midday sun, created a memorably lovely effect. A band of light and colour was formed, one hundred times more crystalline than a rainbow on Earth. We rose to an altitude of about 200 metres and proceeded to travel over the continent.
Thao flew us over a plain on which I could see animals of all sorts - some were two-legged and resembled little ostriches; others were four-legged creatures, similar to mammoths, but twice as big. I also watched cows graze side by side with hippopotamuses. The cows were so similar to those we have on Earth, I couldn’t help but remark on it to Thao, pointing as I did so, at a particular herd, just like an excited child at the zoo. She laughed heartily.
‘Why shouldn’t we have cows here, Michel? Look over there and you’ll see donkeys and there, giraffes - although they are somewhat taller than on Earth. See how lovely those horses are as they run together.’
I was thrilled, but wasn’t I constantly thrilled by this experience -sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less? What really rendered me speechless, to the amusement of my friends, was the sight of horses bearing the heads of very pretty women - some blonde, others auburn or brown and even some with blue hair. As they galloped, they would often soar for tens of metres. Ah yes! In fact, they had wings, folded back against their bodies, which they made use of from time to time - something like the flying fish which follow or precede ships. They lifted their heads to see us and tried to rival the speed of the Lativok.
Thao reduced speed and altitude, enabling us to approach within several metres of them. There were more surprises ahead of me, as some of these horse-women cried out to us in a language that was recognisably human. My three companions answered in the same language, and the exchange was obviously a pleasant one. We didn’t linger long at that low altitude, however, as some of the horse-women soared to such heights, they almost touched our vehicle, thereby risking injury to themselves.
The plain we flew over was, in places, embossed with small knolls, all of about the same size. I remarked on them and Biastra explained that, millions of years ago, these knolls had been volcanoes. The vegetation below us had none of the exuberance of the forest I had ‘experienced’ on my arrival. On the contrary, here the trees were grouped in small stands, reaching no more than 25 metres in height. As we passed, large white birds took flight by the hundreds, only to land again, a ‘safe’ distance away. A wide water-course flowed to the horizon, dissecting the plain with its lazy wanderings.
I could make out some small dokos grouped together on a bend of the river. Thao guided the Lativok above the river, reducing altitude to water level as we approached the settlement. We landed in a small square between two dokos and were immediately surrounded by the inhabitants. They didn’t scramble or push to get near us; rather, they stopped what they were doing and calmly approached us. They formed a circle large enough to be comfortable and for all to have equal opportunity to see an alien face to face.
Again, it struck me that these people all seemed to be of the same age, apart from about half a dozen who could have been older. Age, here, did not detract but added a quality of surprising nobility.
I had also been struck by the absence of children on the planet; and yet, in this settlement and among the crowd that approached, I saw six or seven of them. They were charming and appeared to be quite level headed for children. According to Thao, they would have been eight or nine years old.
Since my arrival on Thiaoouba, I had not yet had occasion to meet so great a number of these people. Glancing around the circle, I could appreciate a calmness and reserve about them, as well as the great beauty in their faces that I’d grown to expect. There was a strong resemblance between them, as if they were all brothers and sisters; and yet, isn’t that our first impression when we encounter a group of blacks or Asians together? In fact, the same physical variety in facial features existed among these people, as exists within races on Earth.
In height, they varied from 280 to 300 centimetres, their bodies being so well-proportioned, they were a pleasure to behold - neither too muscular nor too puny, and without deformity of any kind. Their hips were somewhat larger than you would expect in a man, but then I’d been told that some of them gave birth to children.
All possessed magnificent heads of hair - most of a golden-blond colour, others platinum-blond or coppery-blond and occasionally, a bright chestnut colour. There were also some, like Thao and Biastra, with a fine down of hair on the upper lip, but, apart from this, these people had absolutely no other body hair. (This is not, of course, an observation that I made at the time but one which I made later, when I had occasion to see from quite near, a group of naked sunbathers.) Their skin-type reminded me of Arab women who protect themselves from the sun - it was certainly not the pale skin typical of blondes with such light eyes. So light, indeed, were the mauve and blue eyes around me, that I might have wondered if they were blind, had I been on Earth.
When I speak now, of their long legs and rounded thighs - they reminded me of our female long-distance runners, as well as their beautifully proportioned breasts, firm and shapely in every case, the reader will understand my error in believing Thao to be a female giant when first we met. It occurred to me that women on Earth would be most envious of the breasts of these people - and men would be most delighted by them...
I have already commented on the beauty of Thao’s face, and others in this crowd had similar ‘classic’ features; still others I would describe as ‘charming’ or ‘alluring’. Each face, though slightly different in shape and features, seemed to have been designed by an artist.
Each had been given its own unique charm; but, above all, the quality most evident in their faces and in their manner and deportment, was the quality of intelligence.
In all, I could find no fault with these people who grouped around us, beaming smiles of welcome which revealed rows of perfect white teeth. This physical perfection did not surprise me, since Thao had explained their ability to regenerate their body cells at will. There was no reason, therefore, that these magnificent bodies should age.
‘Are we interrupting them in their work?’ I asked Biastra, who happened to be by my side.
‘No, not really,' she replied. ‘Most of the people in this town are on vacation - it is also a place where people come to meditate.’
Three of the ‘elders’ approached and Thao asked that I address them in French, and loudly enough for everyone to hear. I believe I said; ‘I am very happy to be among you and to be able to admire your wonderful planet. You are fortunate people and I, myself, would like to live among you.'
This speech released a concert of exclamation, not only on account of the language, which most of them had never before heard spoken, but also for the sense of what I had said, which had been telepathically communicated.
Biastra signalled we should follow the three ‘elders’, who led us into one of the dokos. When the seven of us were comfortably installed, Thao began; ‘Michel, I would like to introduce you to Lationusi.’ She held her hand towards one of the three and I bowed. ‘Lationusi was, about 14 000 of your years ago, the last King of the continent Mu on Earth.’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘You don’t want to understand, Michel, and, at this particular moment, you resemble many of your peers on Earth.’
I must have looked troubled, for Thao, Biastra and Latoli laughed loudly.
‘Don’t look like that, Michel. I just meant to jostle you a little. Now, in the presence of Lationusi, I am going to explain one of the mysteries that elude many experts on your planet - who, I might add, would do better to devote their precious time discovering more useful things. I am going to unveil not one, but several of the mysteries which obsess them.’
Our seats were arranged in a circle, Thao sat next to Lationusi and I sat facing them.
‘As I already explained during our journey to Thiaoouba, the Bakaratinians arrived on Earth 1 350 000 years ago. Thirty thousand years later came the terrible cataclysm that gouged out seas and caused the emergence of islands and even continents. I made mention also, of an enormous continent which arose in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
‘This continent was called ‘Lamar’ but is better known to you as the continent of Mu. It emerged virtually in one piece, to be shattered 2000 years later, by seismic shock, into three principal continents.
‘With the passing of years, vegetation established on these continents, large areas of which were located in equatorial regions. Grass grew, forests established and, gradually, animals migrated across the very narrow isthmus that bound Mu to North America.
‘The yellow race who had better managed to come to terms with the disastrous consequences of the cataclysm, were first to construct ships and explore the seas. About 300 000 Earth years ago, they landed on the northwest coast of Mu, where they eventually founded a small colony.
‘This colony barely grew over the course of centuries as there were difficulties in expatriating, which would take too long to explain and which does not concern us now.
‘About 250 000 Earth years ago, the inhabitants of planet Aremo X3, on which we stopped to take samples during our journey here, embarked on an interplanetary voyage of exploration penetrating your solar system. After having skirted Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury, they landed on the planet Earth in China, where their spacecraft caused considerable panic among the populace. Their legends refer to ‘fire dragons’ descending from the sky. The fear and mistrust of the Chinese, led them eventually, to attack the aliens, who were forced to use violence in order to defend themselves. This they hated, for they were not only technologically advanced but also highly spiritual people who abhorred killing.
‘They moved on, continuing their exploration of the planet. It turned out, that the continent of Mu had most appeal for them for two main reasons. First, the continent appeared to be virtually uninhabited and second, by virtue of its latitude, it was a veritable paradise.
‘They had become particularly cautious since their confrontation with the Chinese and felt it would be wise to establish a base to which they could retreat, should they encounter further hostilities of a serious nature from Earth people. I have not yet explained that their reason for exploring Earth was their intention of resettling several million people from Aremo X3 - a planet that was becoming uncomfortably overpopulated. This operation was much too serious to take risks of any kind. Thus, it was decided that their base of retreat would be set up, not on Earth, but on the moon, which was quite close and considered very safe.
‘Fifty years were spent establishing the lunar bases and it wasn’t until they were ready that emigration to Mu began. All went well. The small Chinese colony that had existed in the north-west of Mu had been totally destroyed some decades after their first visit, so in effect, they had the entire continent to themselves.
‘Work began immediately on the construction of towns, canals and roads, which they paved with immense flagstones. Their usual means of transport was a flying chariot, not unlike our Lativoks.
‘From their planet, they imported animals such as the dog and the armadillo - which they were very partial to on Aremo X3, and also the pig.’
When she told me about all those imported animals, I remembered how astonished I’d been to see pigs and dogs on that famous planet during our earlier visit. Suddenly, everything was very clear to me.
‘In height, these people averaged 180 centimetres for the males, and 160 centimetres for the females. Their hair was dark, their eyes of a beautiful black and their skin lightly bronzed. You saw some of their kind when we stopped at Aremo X3 and I believe you have already guessed them to be the ancestors of the Polynesians.
‘So they established settlements throughout the length and breadth of the continent, including 19 large cities, seven of which were sacred. Small villages were also numerous, for these people were highly skilled farmers and graziers.
‘Their political system was modelled on that of Aremo X3. They had long ago discovered that the only way to govern a country properly was to place at the head of government, seven men of integrity, representing no political party, but sincerely committed to doing what they could for their nation.
‘The seventh among them was the Supreme Judge whose vote on council was worth two. If four were against him and two with him on a particular issue, they were at deadlock, and hours or days of debate would ensue, until at least one of the seven was persuaded to change his vote. This debate was conducted within a context of intelligence, love and concern for the people.
‘These high figures received no great material benefits for leading the nation. It was their vocation to lead and they did it for the love of serving their country - this avoided the problem of hiding opportunists among the leaders.’
‘The same can’t be said of our national leaders now,’ I remarked with a hint of bitterness. ‘Where were such men found?’
‘The procedure was as follows: In a village or district, a man of integrity was elected by referendum. No one with a record of bad conduct or a tendency towards fanaticism could be chosen - the chosen one would have demonstrated integrity in all spheres. He would then be sent to the nearest town, along with other representatives from neighbouring villages, and there, further elections would be held.
‘For example, if there were 60 villages, there would be 60 men elected by the people for their integrity and not for promises which they made, but couldn’t keep.
‘Representatives from all over the nation would meet together in the capital city. They would be divided into groups of six and each group assigned a particular conference room. For the next ten days the group would be together - holding discussions, sharing meals, enjoying shows and, eventually, they would elect a group leader. So, if there had been 60 representatives, divided into ten groups, there would be ten group leaders. Of these ten, seven would be elected by the same process, and from the seven, an eventual Supreme Leader would emerge. He was given the title of King.’
‘So, he was a republican King,’ I said.
Thao smiled at my remark and Lationusi gave a slight frown.
‘The King was elected in this way only if his predecessor died without having nominated a successor, or if the successor was not unanimously accepted by the council of seven. He was given the title of King, first because he was the representative on Earth of the Great Spirit, and second because nine times out of ten, he would be the son or near relative of the preceding King.’
‘Something like the Roman method, then.’
‘Yes indeed. However, if this King manifested the slightest tendency towards dictatorship, he was overthrown by his council of peers. But let’s go back now to our emigrants from Aremo X3...
‘Their capital city, given the name Savanasa, was situated on a plateau overlooking the Gulf of Suvatu. The plateau was 300 metres high and, except for two hills - one in the south-west and one in the south-east, this was the highest point on the continent of Mu.’
‘I’m sorry, Thao - may I interrupt? When you explained the cataclysm which knocked the Earth off its axis, you said that refuge on the moon was not possible because it didn’t exist - and yet now, you say that safety bases were established on the moon for these emigrants...’
‘There was no moon at the time when the blacks populated Australia, or for a very long time afterwards. There had been two very small moons much earlier - about six million years ago, which revolved around Earth, eventually colliding with it. Earth was not inhabited at the time so, although terrible cataclysms followed, it didn’t really matter.
‘About 500 000 years ago, Earth ‘captured’ a much larger moon - the one which exists now. It was passing too close to your planet and was attracted into an orbit. This often happens with moons. Further catastrophes were provoked by this event...’
(same told from Rampa - but he do not give exact time. rø-coment)
‘What do you mean when you say ‘passing too close’ to Earth? Why didn’t it crash? And anyway, what is a moon?’
‘It could have crashed indeed, but that doesn’t often happen. A moon is originally a small planet revolving around its sun in a spiral that becomes increasingly tight. The smaller planets spiral more rapidly than the larger ones, because their [7] inertial force is less.
‘Their spiral being faster, the smaller planets often catch up to the larger planets and, if they pass too closely, the gravitational attraction of the planet will be stronger than that of the sun. The smaller planet begins to orbit the larger one, still in a spiral, which will sooner or later result in a collision.’
‘Are you saying that our beautiful moon celebrated in poem and song, will one day fall on our heads?’
‘One day, yes... but not for about 195 000 years.’
I must have seemed relieved and my fright somewhat comical, for my hosts all laughed.
Thao continued. ‘When that happens - when the moon collides with the Earth - that will be the end of your planet. If the people of Earth are not sufficiently spiritually and technologically advanced at the time, it will mean a holocaust; but, if they are, they will have evacuated to another planet. Everything in its time though, Michel - for now, I must finish off my story concerning the continent of Mu.
‘Savanasa then, was situated on a vast plateau overlooking plains which rose, on average, no more than 30 metres above sea level. On this plateau and in the centre, an enormous pyramid was constructed.
picture not from book
Each stone used in its construction, some weighing more than 50 tonnes, was cut precisely to within one fifth of a millimetre, using what we can call ‘ultrasonic vibratory systems’. This was done in the quarries of Holaton, now found on Easter Island, which was the one place on the entire continent where this special rock could be found. There was, however, another quarry at Notora, south-west of the continent.
‘The enormous stones were transported using anti-gravitational techniques well known to these people. (They were carried on platforms, 20 centimetres above the paved roads, which were constructed using the same principals as those of the pyramids.) Roads such as these were built all over the country, converging, like a massive spider’s web, on the capital, Savanasa.
‘The huge stones were taken to Savanasa and put into position according to directions from the ‘master’ or chief architect on the project. When finished, the pyramid measured exactly 440.01 metres in height and its four faces were oriented precisely towards the four points of the compass.
‘Was this intended to be the King’s palace, or his tomb?’ Everyone wore the same indulgent smile that often appeared when I asked a question.
‘Nothing of the sort, Michel. This pyramid was much more important - it was a tool. An enormous tool, I admit, but a tool just the same. So, too, was the Pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, though it was much smaller in size.’
‘A tool? Please explain - I’m no longer with you.’ It was true I was having trouble following Thao, but I could sense one of the great mysteries was about to be revealed to me - one which had provoked so much inquiry and had been the subject of so much writing on Earth.
‘You will have realised,’ Thao resumed, ‘that these were highly advanced people. They possessed a profound understanding of Universal Law and used their pyramid as a ‘captor’ of cosmic rays, forces and energies, as well as terrestrial energies.
‘Inside, rooms positioned according to a precise plan, served the King and certain other great initiates, as powerful communications centres, enabling (telepathic - addition of Editor in agreement with the Author.) - communication with other planets and other worlds in the Universe. Such communication with extra-terrestrials is no longer possible for people on Earth; but the people of Mu in those days, by natural means and by exploiting cosmic forces, were in constant communication with other beings and were even able to explore parallel universes.’
‘Was this the sole purpose of the pyramid?’
‘Not quite. Its second use was to make rain. By a system of plates, made of a special alloy incorporating silver as its major component, these people were able, in a few days, to cause the accumulation of clouds above the country, and so, to have rain as they needed it.
‘Thus, they were able to create, virtually, a paradise over the whole continent. Rivers and springs never dried up, but flowed lazily across the numerous plains of a land that was essentially flat.
‘Fruit trees were laden with fruit, bowing under the weight of oranges, mandarins or apples, according to latitude. Exotic fruits, of kinds that actually no longer exist on Earth, were harvested in abundance. One such fruit, called the Laikoti, possessed a property that caused an excitation of brain activity, allowing whoever ate it to solve problems which would normally be beyond them. This property was not actually a drug but the fruit was, nevertheless, condemned by the sages. The Laikoti was only authorised to be planted in the gardens of the King.( In writing this book, I feel it is interesting to emphasise the striking similarity between this prohibition from eating the Laikoti - for reasons relating to knowledge - and, in the Bible, Adam being forbidden to eat the apple on similar grounds. Author’s comment)
‘Man being what he is, however, the fruit was secretly planted in various places throughout the continent. Those caught with the fruit were harshly punished for they had directly disobeyed the King of Mu. In matters of religion and government, he was to be obeyed absolutely, as he was the representative of the Great Spirit.
‘As such, the King was not one to be worshiped - he simply represented another.
‘Those people believed in Tharoa - the God, The Spirit, the One and Only, the Creator of all things and, of course, they believed in reincarnation.
‘What concerns us here, Michel, are the great events which occurred on your planet, in times long gone, so that you will be able to enlighten your people. I won’t, therefore, elaborate on my description of the continent that was home to one of the best organised civilisations to have existed on Earth. However, you should know that, after a period of 50 000 years, the population of Mu was eighty million.
‘Expeditions were undertaken regularly, to explore and research aspects of the planet. For these expeditions, they used flying ships, similar to what you call ‘flying saucers’. It was known that most of the planet was populated by black, yellow and also white races, although the latter had regressed into a primitive state due to their loss of technical understanding right at the beginning. These white people had actually arrived on Earth in very small numbers at a time in between the arrival of the Bakaratinians and the colonising of Mu. They had settled on a continent known to you as Atlantis, but, as much for material as spiritual reasons, their civilisation failed completely.’
‘What do you mean by ‘material reasons’?’
‘Natural disasters, which effectively destroyed their towns and almost all that might have allowed them to advance technologically.
‘I must emphasise the following point: prior to embarking on their exploratory expeditions of the planet, the inhabitants of Mu had conducted research by means of the Pyramid of Savanasa. As a result of this research, it was decided to send forth the flying ships and to colonise New Guinea and the southern Asiatic region - that is, all to the west of Mu. Simultaneously, they set up colonies in South America and Central America.
‘Most importantly, they established a colonial base, which grew into a huge town, in the area known to your archaeologists as Thiacuano1, located not far from Lake Titicaca. The Andes did not exist at the time, the mountains formed some time later, as you will soon see.
‘At Thiacuano, an enormous seaport was built. In those days, North and South America were flat and eventually, a canal was constructed to link an inland sea, existing where Brazil is now, with the Pacific Ocean. This sea also had an outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, so that it was possible to pass from one ocean to the other and so, to colonise the continent of Atlantis...’
‘But you say they had flying ships - why wouldn’t they use them? If they pierced a canal, they must have intended to use boats.’
‘They used their flying machines just as you now use aeroplanes Michel, but for very heavy loads, they used machines of anti-gravitation, exactly like the heavy vehicles are now used on Earth.
‘So, as I said, they colonised the continent of Atlantis. Many white people from Atlantis preferred, at the time, to emigrate to the region of Northern Europe, as they didn’t accept the new government and the new religion coming from Mu. These white people set off in their sea vessels propelled by steam and wind. Indeed, the white race had discovered steam power, having passed through a period you would call ‘prehistoric’. I must also explain that Britain was not an island, at this time as it was joined to northern Europe, and the Straits of Gibraltar didn’t exist either, as Africa reached to the south of Europe. Many white people from Atlantis emigrated to North Africa, mixing with the cross bred black-yellow race of the area. Interbreeding created new races in North Africa, which have perpetuated themselves over thousands of years and which you know as Berbers, Tuaregs and others.
Tuaregs people left
‘We often visited Earth during those times. When we judged the time opportune, we went overtly, to visit the King of Mu and, according to his request or the information he gave us, we would visit the new colonies. In India, for example, or in New Guinea, the people of Mu sometimes experienced great difficulties assimilating their civilisation with that already in existence. We would arrive, openly and publicly, in vessels quite like the one that brought you to Thiaoouba, although different in shape.
‘Our size, which has always been large and our radiant beauty, meant that we passed as gods in the eyes of people who were not greatly advanced and, in some cases, were even cannibals.
‘According to our mission, it was important that we impress as friendly gods in the eyes of the colonisers so that war could be avoided, something which they abhorred on account of their advancement, their beliefs and their religion.
‘It is because of our frequent visits, during this period, that there are so many legends on Earth, describing ‘giants’ and ‘chariots of fire’ from the heavens.
‘We were great friends with the inhabitants of Mu and my astral entity at the time, existed in a body quite similar to the one I’m ‘wearing’ now.
‘Artists and sculptors gave us much consideration. They consulted the King of Mu and, with his consent, worked to immortalise us. The immense statues at Holaton( Holaton (Easter Island) was situated at the south east of the Continent of Mu)- are examples of such work. They were, for the civilisation of the time, the ultimate of great art - being in size and shape, what you would describe as ‘stylised’.