Venus itself is a major basis for
interdimensional traveling within our local solar-system. It has to
be with the energy, which Venus express; from the energetically
point of view, each planet is an energy Receiver and Expressior,
each planet represent a certain Quality.
Venus is a kind of energy-elevator
within our solar-system: i.e. entities who are incarnated on Earth,
had past-lifes or existances, within bodies, on Venus to prepare for
physical reality on Earth.
Many non-physical Venusians are working within
The Ashtar-Command and other interdimensional workings. Another
example of non-physical presence is The
Voice Of Venus by Ernest L.
Norman, an entity called Mal Var.
There are two physical cases of Venusians
public known (so far I know), who comes direct from Venus: Omnec
Onec and
Valiant Thor with

Three Venusians: Jill, Donn and Valiant
March 16, 1957, in Alexandria, Virginia, one
of the finest leaders of the planet Venus, operating under the
direction of the Central Control and who had been chosen to make the
contact as well as direct the project, landed his craft and was met
by two police officers, weapons drawn. A thought transference
quickly convinced them that he meant no harm and he was ushered into
the back seat of their patrol car. After crossing over into
Washington, D.C., they were met by the secretary of Defence along
with six of his staff members. Soon police from every conceivable
district and agency had joined in, all trying to claim their right
to escort him to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Through his own
version of the power of poitive thinking, he was to dismiss them all
and soon passed through the security posts followed by an Air Force
It has been stated in the past that Val
Thor has a space craft that is on the water of Lake Mead near Las
Vegas. Here is some information about that UFO: VICTOR ONE.
The total number of crew on VICTOR ONE, is
200. With Valiant Thor as Commander, there are four crew members who
serve in the capacity of Vice Commander. These include Donn, Thonn,
Teel and the Medical Officer who is known as "Doc". These
commanders have been chosen to serve until further advised. The rest
of the compliment are those from the home plnaet Venus who have
elected to serve under the direct command of Commander Val Thor.
From time to time, however, there are those from other systems who
volunteer to serve on VICTOR ONE for short periods to time ... about
three Earth months. This is done so that those of the crew members
who wish to return home for a time may do so without disrupting the
vital functions of the ship.
Excerpt of the book "Stranger At The
Pentagon" can be obtained by writing for a free catalog from
INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS Box 653-Dept. Mew Brunswick, N.J. 08903.
Rolf Telano
had contact to "Borealis" - claiming coming from a
level of Venus.
(had seemingly
contact through radio-transmissions).
His contacts to "Borealis"
told him (translated from the Swedish - which is the language of
the book on the case I have):
"…you can simply not
adjust our channel. And yet still we are solid og real. There is
sound your ears cannot hear and colors your eyes cannot see. Yet
those are in reality as real as those you CAN see with your
senses. The limits for OUR ability to perceive is much bigger than
yours, but the difference in level is so big that we normally
also is unconscious about you. We are able to enlarge the
limit down to your level, but for most efficient observation, is
it necessary for us to transform or readjust to your
way - by a mainpulse-generator on the moon which envelops earth
in a wave of the spesific frequency to create a conversion of our
bodies to your level. All of our observators in their crafts
on your earth have a small mecanism, which make it possible for
them to lock into syncronisation with this wave. This automatic
regulates the suitable level - without any thoughtconcentration
from their side. They can disappear from syncronisation anytime
and switch to mental control if they wish to alter their level a
BOREALIS booklink
BOREALIS book on norwegian |
here |
Astral exploration to MARS in 1955
interview on english with OMNEC - claiming
origin from Venus - from many of her talks
this one from nov.2014
By Paul M. Vest


Omnec Onec alleges that she is a female extraterrestrial who originally came to Earth in 1955, who was born 246 Earth years
ago. Omnec Onec says she was raised on the planet Venus in a town called Teutonia (a city whose name reflects earlier Venus-Earth contacts that included a trip to Venus by a German scientist). She alleges that she lived on an astral plane -- without a physical body -- until she was instructed by her leaders to travel to Earth with a message of peace and

much on audio if to click picture
above- some down on that site
After landing in Earth, she said she was substituted for a seven-year-old girl who had just been killed in a bus wreck
accident. She was raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by the grandmother of Sheila, the girl whom she had
replaced. She grew up in what was to all outward appearances a normal
life, never speaking of Venus, and endured the struggles that allowed her to deal with her own karmic
She grew up, married and moved to Chicago, where she raised three
children. worked as a bar maid, a clothes designer and a
As a young adult, however, she began to manifest her second
mission, to offer humanity an increased awareness of their relation to spirit.
Omnec says she was trained to live as a human in an ancient monastery in Tibet.
(many initiated tibetans as Rampa- have told of their
contacts to the"GODS" - spacepeople - nearly a
century ago link
She revealed her true space alien nature in 1990, when she wrote and published her best-selling book. Today she travels around the United States and
Europe, spreading a message of peace and brotherhood, a she was instructed to do by Venusian

From the Temple of History she learned of the long-term monitoring of Earth by scientists from many planets and of the nature of life on all of these planets.
Earth, the youngest of the planets in this solar system, is plagued by the imbalance caused by its singular
Moon, which works an alternating influence on people as it moves through the
heavens. The other planets are organized into a Brotherhood of Planets and their monitoring of Earth includes the era of 'Atlantis' and
'Lemuria'. The different races of earth have ties to the inhabitants of the various planets.
According to Onec, a set of teachings called Om-Notia Zedia, the laws of the Supreme
Deity, exists on Venus. These teachings start with the utterly transcendent Supreme Deity from whom there issues an audible life stream of Spirit. This life stream sustains the existence of all worlds and
universes. Human beings are Soul existing in the ocean of Spirit. Souls have been placed in physical embodiment to awaken to their true nature. The Soul may learn to exist apart from its physical body and to travel in the planes of existence between the physical world and God, beginning with the astral,
causal, and mental planes.
Onec indicated a belief reincarnation and karma and accepted the idea of coming to Earth to balance her personal karma.
Her account included a variety of Galaxy-wide problems, including claims of significant habitation of all of the planets of the solar system and assertions of conditions existing on these planets that contradict the repeated observations of various space

Indeed, some scientists, researchers like former NASA consultant Richard Hoagland and former astronauts claim that publicly released photos taken of space and planets have been
censored, to delete commonplace UFOs, other various structures on planets created by alien
civilizations, which include evidence of underground dwellings. To also help defend the
account, claims were also made that inhabitants resided on something other than the physical plane of
Source & References:
What happens when Omnec Onec, the woman from Venus, "meets
The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of presenters Valery Uvarov and Marina Popovich from
Russia; Irina Gracchi from Brazil; Anthony Dodd from England; and Omnec Onec from Venus. A standup survey of the 300-or-so attendees would attest to the fact that Omnec stood out from all other presenters.
Omnec had a very high IQ. She seemed to know a little bit about almost
everything, and could carry on a conversation with anyone about
anything. She also had a considerable degree of physical charm: Maybe it was the Chicago accent combined with blood-red nail polish, combined with spiked silver heels - which collectively upstaged her alien
intelligence, like the floating vixen in a magic show.
She kept Antonio Hunneus - who is skeptical of everyone and everything - on his toes. But his skepticism met his match this time. I mean with a name like Omnec
(OHM-neck), she had to be from Venus. Where else could she be from?
Omnec looked 35 but said she was 439. She said she had solved the interplanetary transportation problem as simply as she had solved the planetary surface temperature problem. She so eloquently explained how she merely hyper-jumped
dimensions. And everyone there understood. No one ever understands Stanton Friedman's explanations about time-travel
physics, but everyone understood Omnec - at least the interdimensional
things. Her true message was one of spiritual development and universal love. But she could discuss Grassman Algebra if you wanted to. Paul Davids watched from
Everyone wanted to interrogate her. She accommodated those who selected the appropriate year of French Bordeaux. The conversation grew quite
intoxicating. It was quite a sight. All those video crews lined up like 747s circling the
airport. Politics has its privileges. Since I was one of the event
promoters, it was only fitting that Wendelle Stevens's grandson Gem Cox (a former Navy sub-nuclear generator
expert) and I would get the grand interview at my Flying Heart Ranch in Paradise
Valley, Arizona - 80 acres of inspiration and paradise.
When Omnec and I talked, which was mostly early in the morning or around
midnight, we talked about all things good in the world and all the human
potential. Omnec was teaching the spiritual ways of the
Venusians, like Val Thor before her."
1/31/2000 extract from
AlienZoo resident ufologist Jim Dilettoso's article Mission Control explores UFO
research, ET technologies, and moments in ufology's past.
to the deep txt on Scorpions - Send Me A Angel -
on YOUTUBE and remark the text says "
the land of the morning star" - that is VENUS!
on OMNEC on German language
- from her own book
Tema om dette på DANSK SPRÅK: Venusianere på
From the booklet MY FRIEND FROM
Inca Spiritual Messenger,
Willaru Huayta
on VENUSLIFE in a lecture given in Peru, September, 1997
intro on powerpoint
+ ppoint2 on the old ww1 ship
they took